TCIC bid competition2020
KPMG Tower
Vaughan, ontario

The TCIC Simulated Student Bid Competition is a yearly event that is held in order to help students understand the real life challenges that are present within the construction bidding and estimating process. The challenge of the simulated bid competition is for students across Canada to submit complete bids based on a set of contract documents. These bids must contain quantity take offs for own forces work, a sub-trade analysis and selection, as well as an overhead and pricing summary.
Innovation - 2nd place

Our team placed second in the Innovation category, one of two teams to win an award among the entrants from SAIT. The minimum entry to qualify for this bonus category was to generate a Revit model and use the material take-offs from it to inform our estimate and submitted price. This category was scored based on the accuracy of dimensions/scale, material type of components, level of detail of the connections, accuracy of material textures, rendering, and more. It was a huge (yet fun) learning experience and I couldn't be more proud of my team!
KPMG tower
The topic for the 2020 TCIC Student Bid Competition is the KPMG Tower. It is a 15-storey office tower with 300,000 square feet of office space based on highly flexible floor plates of approximately 22,800 rentable square feet. It also offers 65,000 square feet of retail and amenity space in a 2 storey retail podium.

KPMG Tower render by JC Battad

Rachel Lau (me!)
Robyn Perras
Julienne Matuguina
JC Battad

My team, [rj]² (pronounced RJ Squared), was comprised of myself and 4 of my classmates. I took on the role of Project Manager as well as Scheduler. Most of my duties as PM consisted of running team meetings, establishing team structure and file formatting, and managing all external communications with out mentors and the TCIC Bid Committee.
I learned a lot about team dynamics and the importance of frequency and clarity of communication, especially when we were not able to meet face-to-face due to social distancing measure put in place by COVID-19.
Notion a collaborative project and task management app we used to manage our team. It has calendar, list and kaban style task organizers, so it suited everyone on our team. As project manager, I chose and taught my team how to use it.
BIM 360
A unified platform to coordinate data in a centralized location. We used this to coordinate Revit files and work on them simultaneously.
A PDF reading software that allows teams to markup and edit a centralized file. It has many features like stamps and measurement tools that are helpful for architects and contractors alike.
Site logistics
While considering our construction schedule, we realized that one logistics plan was not enough to accurately represent the site throughout the construction period. We decided on having two phases, to reduce some costs as well as reduce issues with traffic flow.
Road closure in SE of Site – construction of the underground tunnel to the TCC subway station. New Park Place is sectioned off.
Two tower cranes (east and west)
Exits from the site are located on the smaller roads to prevent traffic created by construction vehicles (Apple Mill Rd & New Park Pl)
Road on S side of site (New Park Place) is reinstated to reduce closure costs
Gate 4 opens to allow for through traffic of construction vehicles
Reduced to one tower crane after parkade is complete

construction schedule

The construction schedule was one of my main focus points for this project. In the overall competition, [rj]² scored the highest in the Scheduling and Logistics category, with 8.05 out of presumably, 10. The next highest scoring group had a 7.05, so I think it was well worth the time and effort.
We took in to consideration many different factors, such as the road closures, the best seasons for piling, minimizing concrete pouring during winter, and planting seasons for landscape to name a few. After, learning to use MS Project was difficult, but rewarding, though I wasn't able to have the critical path show properly and that's something I'd like to work on next time.
For this particular project, we chose to mobilize in May 2020, with earthwork to be done in the summer months. The tower and the retail podium are to be constructed simultaneously. Substantial completion is achieved in October 2022, where tenants can begin to occupy the building as early as November 2022. Landscaping is scheduled to be completed during the spring/summer months of the following year, and total completion is scheduled for early June 2023, about 2 months earlier than the substantial completion date required for the competition/client.
However, due to COVID-19, realistically this whole plan would need to be adjusted as there will be more stringent health and safety measures applied.

Synchro is a software that allows you to connect a 3D model to a schedule. You can connect assemblies and components to make an animation to resemble a building being built in real time.
3d detailing

check it out!
The items mentioned in this post are items I had a large part in and am the most proud of. To see the complete, submitted bid package and our final presentation recorded from Microsoft Teams, follow the links below! It includes presentation material, the full construction schedule, estimation sheets and more!